Stof Cushion #05

Stof Cushion #05


50x50 cm / 100% cotton

Hand crafted in Sardinia using hand woven traditional Sardinian textile and African wax print

Stof: A social matter. What is social texture?

It's a metaphor for how well community members interact. If each individual member is a thread, their interactions construct the "social fabric", weaving threads together. The stronger the fabric, the more frequent and positive their connections. The weaker the texture, the more likely to tear, fray, develop loose threads, and otherwise suffer.

Stof is our contemporary textile, texture and text. Multiculturalism is a contemporary matter and integration is a matter of design.  As a designer, I start with a cushion made by joining two fabrics. Traditional Sardinian bisaccia textile on one side, African wax printed fabric on the other.

Side by side, half and half.

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